Reg wrote:
> Bob (this one) wrote:
>> I also make a cultured cream that ends up like mascarpone by
>> adding a yogurt culture to scalded cream and later, like the next
>> day, add the citric acid. I have no idea if anyone else does
>> this; never seen anything like it anywhere else, but it's good.
>> The cream thickens up nice and tight and the citric acid seems to
>> make the watery stuff come out. Drain for a few hours. Luscious.
> This is different. I haven't seen it before either. I'm going to
> give it a try.
Heat a quart of at least 36% fat cream to 180=B0F, cool to 110=B0F and=20
stir in a couple tablespoons plain yogurt. Keep warm overnight (by=20
whatever means you can - a thermos, wrapped in layers of towels,=20
whatever...) Let it ferment for a good 12 hours, 24 hours makes it=20
more firm. Add a good pinch of citric acid and gently stir it in. Chill.
> BTW, I tried your blue cheese dressing formula this weekend.
> Buffalo Wings for 30, accompanied by Pastorio's Blue Cheese
> Dressing. I wouldn't have believed it had I not tried it myself.
> Two ingredients, vastly superior results (Bob's Blue Cheese
> Dressing Paradox). You've got quite a bag o' tricks there, Chef.
Glad you liked the dressing. The bag o' tricks is from trying=20
desperately to keep ahead of my customers over the years. <pant, pant>=20
And shamelessly "appropriating" good ideas when we found them.
Kipling said it...
"And they asked me how I did it, and I gave 'em the Scripture text,
'You keep your light so shining a little in front o' the next!'
They copied all they could follow, but they couldn't copy my mind,
And I left 'em sweating and stealing a year and a half behind."
But some days it felt like they caught up and zoomed past... <g>
Oh, I saw on a list how to do that little degree symbol =B0. Hold alt=20
down and type 2-4-8 on the number pad on the right end of your=20
keyboard. When you release the alt key, the =B0 magically appears. Very=20
=B0=B0=B0 heh heh...
Yes, I'm easily amused. Why do you ask?