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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Annoying tv Chef Habits

Goomba38 wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> You don't have to tell me about transient existance, Dave. We moved
>> every year or at most every two years. Making lasting friendships
>> as the kid of a military man wasn't likely. It's one reason I've
>> not moved out of this area since 1973. I was so tired of moving
>> around, never getting to know anyone. I got some valuable life
>> experience, living in so many places. Exposure to good and
>> different foods, too. But it's a rough life for a kid.

> Other than your two years in Thailand, where else did you live? What
> other food cultures did you get introduced to compliments of the USMC?

Food culture doesn't necessarily require a foreign country. People eat
things in California that I never saw in South Carolina (for example). I
lived in California, Virginia, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Ohio, Pennsylvania. Vacationed in Malaysia and made a brief visit to Laos.
We were going to go to India for a couple of weeks but a war broke out.

When Dad retired he decided (for very strange reasons) to move us to west
Tennessee. (Once we were out of the house he and Mom high-tailed it back to
South Carolina!) Then there's the art shows I've been helping John with the
last few years. Mostly mid-west, to be sure, but I'd probably never have
understood what a "Maid-Rite" is were it not for shows in Iowa And I'd
never had BBQ'd beef ribs until we did a show in Houston, TX. They aren't
at all common here.
