Pete C. wrote:
> Steve Wertz wrote:
>> On Wed, 6 Jun 2007 12:48:29 -0700, Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> Sonoran Dude wrote:
>>>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>>>> Bkhuna wrote:
>>>>>> Cook's Illustrated usually does a very good job. I'd be
>>>>>> interested to see how this comes out.
>>>>> Brining a brisket? I don't think so :-(
>>>> Don't they call that Pastrami?
>>> Last I heard.
>> Well, I guess technically it's still a method for cooking brisket.
>> And it's still a brisket.
>> -sw
> Yep, 'Q isn't the only valid way to cook a brisket. Seem to recall
> seeing an onion braised brisket recipe on ATK that looked pretty good.
Nope, 'Q ain't the only valid way to cook a brisket. But since this is a 'Q
NG, ya kinda figure that's how it's cooked here.