Preserving on a Saturday
> On Sat, 29 May 2004 23:42:08 GMT, Blanche Nonken
> > wrote:
> >zxcvbob > wrote:
> >
> >> I haven't figured out what to do with the leftover soybean pulp ("okara".)
> >
> >If you bake much bread, you can use it instead of cornmeal for dusting
> >the peel, or breadpan, or baking pan, or whatever.
> Okara is damp, about like used coffee grounds. It doesn't
> resemble cornmeal at all. You'd have to dry it first,
> surely? Even dried, I don't think it would be anything like
> cornmeal (I could be wrong about this).
The last time I tried making tofu, the okara I had left was, while damp,
still not that muddy. Letting it dry a bit spread out on a towel got it
so I could use it that way.
(I had a hard time finding soy beans fresh enough to keep that rancid
taste out of the tofu, so I just stopped.)
> There are recipes that use okara. I've used it in muffins,
> for instance, and quick breads. I generally just feed it to
> my dogs, though. They love it.
It doesn't leave them gassy?