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Brian Mailman
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Default Preserving on a Saturday

> What happened to me is that I had gradually increasing
> muscle pain. OK, didn't know what it was.

Same here, and fatigue. I chalked it up to busy holiday prep, AND my
mother being in the hospital with some serious conditions AND being
removed summarily from her retirement complex w/o much notice and having
to: 1) find her another residence; and 2) reduce her worldly belongings
yet again AND running back and forth (and even if it's only 100 miles,
still 4-5 hours on the Grayhound each way because it's a milk run) AND
having a dinner for 12 the Monday following yet another weekend like
that... figured I had a reason to be not in the best of shape.

> Then I had to
> stop taking the statin drug because I was on an antibiotic
> for quite a while - six weeks - and the particular
> antibiotic I was taking has a bad interaction with the
> statin drug.

Got it. Same here, but it wasn't stopped because a different doc than
my primary at Kaiser prescribed it and didn't check my chart.

> After I stopped taking the antibiotic, I resumed the statin
> drug. With my first (first!) dose of it, I could barely
> walk the next day, my leg muscles wouldn't hold me. All
> that night, I had really serious muscle pain. I knew enough
> not to take any more of the statin drug and to go to the
> doctor post haste, which I did.

Good. I wasn't aware that there was a problem, and when I was I wasn't
aware it was the statin so I kept on taking it.

> No more statin drug for me, which leaves me with a bit of a
> problem cholesterol. The doctor has me trying another
> (non-statin) medication called Zetia - this works in a
> different way than the statins.

As soon as some other metabolic disorders stabilize mine wants to begin
again with Pravacol. While it's a statin also, its profile is different
from the "-tor/-cor" ones and there's a much reduced chance of this
("rhabdomyolysis") happening.
