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George Shirley
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Default OT: Statin drugs, was: Preserving on a Saturday

Brian Mailman wrote:
> wrote:
> ..
>>What happened to me is that I had gradually increasing
>>muscle pain. OK, didn't know what it was.

> Same here, and fatigue. I chalked it up to busy holiday prep, AND my
> mother being in the hospital with some serious conditions AND being
> removed summarily from her retirement complex w/o much notice and having
> to: 1) find her another residence; and 2) reduce her worldly belongings
> yet again AND running back and forth (and even if it's only 100 miles,
> still 4-5 hours on the Grayhound each way because it's a milk run) AND
> having a dinner for 12 the Monday following yet another weekend like
> that... figured I had a reason to be not in the best of shape.
>>Then I had to
>>stop taking the statin drug because I was on an antibiotic
>>for quite a while - six weeks - and the particular
>>antibiotic I was taking has a bad interaction with the
>>statin drug.

> Got it. Same here, but it wasn't stopped because a different doc than
> my primary at Kaiser prescribed it and didn't check my chart.
>>After I stopped taking the antibiotic, I resumed the statin
>>drug. With my first (first!) dose of it, I could barely
>>walk the next day, my leg muscles wouldn't hold me. All
>>that night, I had really serious muscle pain. I knew enough
>>not to take any more of the statin drug and to go to the
>>doctor post haste, which I did.

> Good. I wasn't aware that there was a problem, and when I was I wasn't
> aware it was the statin so I kept on taking it.
>>No more statin drug for me, which leaves me with a bit of a
>>problem cholesterol. The doctor has me trying another
>>(non-statin) medication called Zetia - this works in a
>>different way than the statins.

> As soon as some other metabolic disorders stabilize mine wants to begin
> again with Pravacol. While it's a statin also, its profile is different
> from the "-tor/-cor" ones and there's a much reduced chance of this
> ("rhabdomyolysis") happening.
> B/

Reading what y'all have to say about statins and the fatigue has got me
to thinking. As I said in an earlier post I have been on Zocor for a
long time. In the last few months I have been bothered by chronic
fatigue, get up in the morning and within an hour I have to lie down and
take a nap, again in the afternoon. I seem to be always tired, and some
part of me is always aching and hurting. I think I'll see my doctor,
have an appointment soon anyway and see what he says. He is from
Colombia originally and isn't much on writing prescriptions if there's
another way to do it. So far has taken me off of insulin and a couple of
diuretics and I'm doing better than ever on less meds. Yup, think I'll
give him a call and set up some blood tests and see what he has to say.
Thanks for the tips.
