Abe wrote on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 07:13:58 -0700:
??>> Dear Friends,
??>> What are the different usage of asafoetida, and how
??>> important in cooking. Is it adds extra taste.
??>> bye
??>> jai
A> See:
A> and
You might also want to look at
This is the best source of information that I know on spices.
Gernot Katzer used to be a frequent contributor to r.f.cooking.
He also gives some of the names that asafoetida is called. Not
just the Hindu name "hing" but the German one Teufelsdreck and
French merde du diable! Those indicate rather well non-Indian
reactions to the stuff. I gather from my Hari Krishna book that
Lord Krishna disapproves of anything that meat eaters use tand
would make one think of meat. Thus they use hing as a substitute
for garlic and onion. I've no idea what gave them that idea!
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: