Annoying tv Chef Habits
On Jun 7, 12:33 am, sf wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2007 09:00:44 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
> wrote:
> >"J S" > wrote
> >> for their restaurants.Maybe its just watching them 'play'with the food
> >> on the plate arranging a presentation ,wonder what they touched before
> >> its served to me.
> >I know, when I see that I think, would you quit rubbing your
> >hands all over my food?
> I don't see RR or any other TV chef "play" with their food. Some of
> them put their hands in it, but RR certainly doesn't do it. She uses
> her tongs so much I wonder if she's afraind of touching it.
> I admire TV chefs that can prepare dishes with their hair down and
> jewlery on, I certainly can't.
I'm often distracted when watching Giada (sp?) and how no show is
complete without her clevage being more prominant than the food. She
certainly is beautiful and well endowed, but geeze....!!!! I enjoy
her soft-spoken-ness and her recipes sure look good and easy. But
man, the clevage! :-)