In article >,
"The Ranger" > wrote:
> My MIL is a former farmgal. Her family had a huge spread of land
> and grew many different types of fruits and nuts throughout her
> lifetime. Being the oldest, she was privy to The Secret. She
> became as much the reason for her farm's success as her dad; she
> could get things to grow-and-produce where many others would fail.
> When she was old enough, she took advantage of getting married and
> moved off the farm and into the city. She never lost that magical
> green thumb, though, and it shows up every season around this time
> with a truly special golden globe that's sweet, succulent, and
> Spawn's favorite fruit.
> Spawn is The Climber. She morphs into a spider monkey every June
> and picks the fruit that is at the top of each tree. Her reward
> has always been a bag for her to nosh after each harvest.
> Since the fruit is an orangish color, Spawn's always referred to
> it as Golden Balls, but only to my MIL.
> Imagine my chagrin when we're both at the store this past week and
> she begins to animatedly point to the fruit display exclaiming,
> "Golden Balls! Golden Balls! Can we get some?"
> I looked over to where I thought she was pointing and saw "Naval
> Oranges," "Juice Oranges," "Pixies," and "White Nectarines."
> "We grow most of those already. Why do I want to buy them?"
> "No. No." she continued pointing.
> I looked again. Behind the Pixies was a much smaller "box" of
> apricots. I still didn't understand, and apparently my face showed
> this puzzlement so Spawn took me by the hand directly to what she
> was talking about.
> "Them!"
> The sign under the fruit read, "Blenheim."
> "Oh..."
> "Up. Please hold a bag. I'll pick."
> Yes ma'am.
> It's nice to know that she's been paying attention during each
> harvest. Those were some of the most delicious apricots I've had
> in a long time. We finished the 8-lb bag in two days.
> We're off to the farmers' markets today and tomorrow to load back
> up on spinach, peas, and, of course, apricots.
> The Ranger
> --
> Spawn is her own little girl. She knows what she likes and she
> knows that I'm not always going to be in agreance.
Dear Ranger,
Just so you know ‹*I hate you.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - blahblahblog - Orange Honey
Garlic Chicken, 3-29-2007