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T[_1_] T[_1_] is offline
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Default Found typo on cereal box!

In article >, says...
> T wrote:
> >
> > The problem with spell check is that you can use the wrong word but
> > correctly spell it and the software will never warn you about it.

> Which reminds me of the time the spell checker
> missed the word "adit" in something I wrote.
> I meant "audit". It wasn't flagged as an error
> because there is a word "adit", and I actually
> knew what it meant. The School of Mines at
> the university I went to had an adit for the
> education of their students. An adit is a
> blind, horizontal tunnel. However, I think
> any competently designed spell checker should
> flag "adit" as an error unless specifically
> instructed not to. It is far more likely that
> "adit" is a misspelling of "audit".

The other problem is that spell check doesn't know ALL words so it
allows you to add words, even if they are misspelt.

Technical terms really foul up spell check though.

I know you can customize the dictionaries of most spell checkers so
that's probably why yours didn't flag the word.