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scsisys scsisys is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Cheesecake problem

Cheesecake baking routine:

1. Set out cream cheese (unopened) and eggs on counter for 1 hr.

2. Turn oven on (410 deg); put water in large pan and place in oven.

3. Prepare batter and pour into 10 in. springform pan.

4. Set batter/pan in water bath; reduce temp to 260 deg. for 90 min +/-.

5. Let cool in oven for 60 min (oven door cracked slightly).

6. Remove from oven and place on wire rack on counter for 6 - 10 hrs.

7. Move cake/rack to fridge; place a "tupperware" like cake cover
over cake/pan such that there is about an 1/8" opening between
top of pan and bottom of cover (do this so it does not "dry" out
the top). Have also tried not covering the cake as described.

8. Place the cake container (top & bottom), which will be used to put
the cake on, in the fridge to be at the same temp as the cake.

9. Next day, take the cake out ; remove from pan and put on cake
container bottom and cover with lid. Place back in fridge. At this
point, there is no moisture on top of the cake.

10. Later that night, remove cake from fridge and the top of the cake
is literally covered with "puddles" of condensation/ moisture.

What can I do to not have the puddles on top ??
