Stretchy cheese on pizza...?
In article >,
foodie > wrote:
> What you are talking about (and what you need to get) is good
> mozzarella. The 'real deal' moz. is made from water buffalo milk
> or sometimes simply referred to as buffalo milk. It is high fat
> and this is the mozzarella that has a distinct flavor much better
> than any junky dairy cow pedestrian grade mozzarella or any provolone.
The problem for me is that this high end mozzarella is just too good to
waste on pizza. I prefer to enjoy it in a way where the cheese itself
IS the highlight.
As to the "cheap" mozz, I find it to be very good on pizza, where there
are many flavors in concert, and subtleties like that in the high end
mozzarella could be lost. It's like Emeril was saying recently on an
Emeril live, you don't have to use expensive wines when cooking, but you
still need to use a wine you can drink (because half the wine ends up in
the food, and the other half in the chef).