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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default How did she get that fat ass reloaded

On Jun 11, 7:07?am, Omelet > wrote:
> After that thread was run, it once again got me back into the "observing
> cart contents and somatic profile" thing at the store.
> I go shopping early so there are not many people in the store, usually
> around 7 am. There were 3 obese women in the meat section when I was
> back there and only one had a significant amount of junk food in her
> cart. One woman weighed probably around 250 and her cart was full of
> fresh frozen chicken, eggs, fresh produce and only two small bags of
> cheetos. Granted, she also had two loaves of whole wheat bread, but
> that's another soapbox...
> Being obese does not always go together with living on crap. ;-)

Typically the obese make very healthful food choices, it's just that
they eat triple sized portions, which wouldn't be so terrible if only
they exercised commisserate to the calories they ingest. Starvation
and eliminating particular foods does not work... you can cut out all
carbs but if you essentially sit on that billowy butt all day your ass
will just get wider and plumper.

Since I retired to this life style I've tripled my food intake but I'm
in the best physical shape of my life... I put in such long days of
such hard labor that no matter how much I eat I don't gain an ounce...
and mostly I eat healfthful but I also consume a good share of what
some call junk foods... I enjoy potato chips and ice cream, in fact I
can pig out by eating the entire family size bag and the whole half
gallon at one sitting but I only do this about once every two months.
I call myself retired but I've never worked so hard in my life and I
enjoy every minute.

I know that some obese have legitimate medical problems but for the
vast majority physical activity beats dieting every time. Any
otherwise healthy 300 pounder out there wants to lose 50 pounds and
still eat all they want, just follow me around for 60 days. I eat all
the carbs I want, but I also sweat. Eating vegetables is only a small
part of their health benefit, the much greater health benefit is in
growing your own. Anyone who pends money on gym memberships would do
far better working a small vegetable plot; one hour working in the
garden is worth eight hours at the gym... actually much more because
none of those gym routines simulate real work, and those stupid
machines are actually a negative becaue they exercise teh wrong muscle
groups and much too repetively... a stairmaster does no more for your
leg muscles than masturbating does for your arm muscles. And most
folks can't lose an ounce plying there occupations, sitting behind a
desk the only exercise is mental masturbation.

Anyone who has cut out carbs and after a year is still over weight is
gullible fool.