OT, Good bye Sopranos
On Jun 11, 10:28?am, "MareCat" > wrote:
> "kilikini" > wrote in message
> ...
> > I think
> > this was it and it's up to us to decide how it ends. Kind of not fair,
> > but
> > so-be-it.
> Kinda like different interpretations of a painting. That's art, I guess.
> > Of all the HBO series that I've watched so far, I think Six Feet
> > Under had the best ending. I cried. I honestly cried; happy and sad
> > tears.
> > It was awesome.
> I loved that series finale, too! Loved how Clare was driving off in her
> Prius towards NYC, while they showed us glimpses of the future of how and
> when each character dies. Brilliant.
> Mary
I really enjoyed the Six Feet Under Series, but not as much as the
Sopranos, but the ending for SFU, was by FAR the best ending of any
program I have ever seen, it still stays with me, long after I saw it.
It was the most satisfying ending I have ever experienced.