Upto now, I've used mainly Bernardin canning jars as that is the main
brand available here. I have a few Kerr and Ball jars that I picked up
at yard sales and I have several of the older style with the glass lids
to store dry goodies. Canning jars tend to have legs so every year I
end up buying a box

I plan on doing a lot more canning now I have a
pressure canner. DH picked up canning jars for me the other day and
came home with a box each Bernardin and Home Discovery. Apparently, the
Bernardin was the last box. The Home Discovery were packaged similar to
Bernardin jars in a full cardboard box and lids packed seperately. They
have snap lids and look pretty much like Bernardin only they included
adhesive labels something Bernadin used to do. They were 50 cents
cheaper though. I was thumbing through the flyers and see another
brand, Golden Harvest. These come with the lids already on, something I
don't think I would care for. I think this could cause sealing problems
later. The box is only a half box with the tops covered with shrink
plastic similar to a case of pop. They are on sale which makes them
about $2 cheaper than Bernardin jars. I do hope the Bernardin jars are
still going to be available here!