How did she get that fat ass reloaded
Omelet wrote:
> I could no more lose weight on high carb low fat than fly.
> I've tried it. I GAINED weight on under 1,000 calories per day.
> You are right, we are all different. ;-)
We are. My wife does better on an Atkins type diet than I do on one higher
in carbs. I can't handle that much meat and fat.
My brother in law developed a serious weight problem and developed diabetes
among other problems. We was carrying on one day about his incompetent
medical because he was on a 1400 calorie per day diet and was gaining
weight. I made the mistake of pointing out what he was in the process of
eating for breakfast..... a huge bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce and
cookies. His reaction reinforced my observations about people with
metabolic disorders having erratic mood swings.