Thread: Canning Jars
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George Shirley
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Default Canning Jars

nutNhoney wrote:
> Upto now, I've used mainly Bernardin canning jars as that is the main
> brand available here. I have a few Kerr and Ball jars that I picked up
> at yard sales and I have several of the older style with the glass lids
> to store dry goodies. Canning jars tend to have legs so every year I
> end up buying a box I plan on doing a lot more canning now I have a
> pressure canner. DH picked up canning jars for me the other day and
> came home with a box each Bernardin and Home Discovery. Apparently, the
> Bernardin was the last box. The Home Discovery were packaged similar to
> Bernardin jars in a full cardboard box and lids packed seperately. They
> have snap lids and look pretty much like Bernardin only they included
> adhesive labels something Bernadin used to do. They were 50 cents
> cheaper though. I was thumbing through the flyers and see another
> brand, Golden Harvest. These come with the lids already on, something I
> don't think I would care for. I think this could cause sealing problems
> later. The box is only a half box with the tops covered with shrink
> plastic similar to a case of pop. They are on sale which makes them
> about $2 cheaper than Bernardin jars. I do hope the Bernardin jars are
> still going to be available here!

I use more Golden Harvest jars than any other brand, primarily because
they are available at a hefty discount at Big Lots stores. The ones I
buy have the jar lids and rings shrink wrapped to a piece of cardboard
and are in the case with the jars, not on them. Never had a problem with
them working at all. YMMV
