Canning Jars
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, nutNhoney
> > wrote:
>>(snip)I was thumbing through the flyers and see another
>>brand, Golden Harvest. These come with the lids already on, something I
>>don't think I would care for. I think this could cause sealing problems
>>later. The box is only a half box with the tops covered with shrink
>>plastic similar to a case of pop.
> Kerr changed to that packaging last year. I don't like it. Have had no
> problems with non-sealing lids. I think Alltrista makes all the
> brands. Jorge? Care to correct me if I'm wrong? Bob?
I don't think they make the Golden Harvest jars Barb, at least they
don't show as an Alltrista product on their products page.
Why don't you like the new Kerr method of packaging jars and lids? Ball,
IIRC, does the same thing and has for some time.