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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default WAS Sunday Evening Chat, now HTH and Fire

Steve Wertz wrote:
> I wanted some pain killers, too, for the immediate itch - which
> is more of a pain than an itch now. I just want to rip my skin
> off so I can get down to the underlying itch.

It's probably not useful advice,
but have you tried ice?

Another possibility is capsaicin,
for example from chili peppers.
It's called counter-irritation,
using one form of pain to distract
from another. It's used in some
topical arthritis creams. It doesn't
actually relieve the original complaint,
but it creates a sensation that draws
the attention of the brain away from it.

Camphor is used in some topical
creams for back pain, which creates
skin inflammation (which feels like
heat) for a similar purpose.