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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default WAS Sunday Evening Chat, now HTH and Fire

"Skyhooks" > wrote

> Over the weekend, there was some news on TV about a high school girl who
> apparently died from an overdose of "Methyl salicylate" (is that related
> to camphor?), which is used in many topical creams for muscle pain
> (think Bengay). Here's a link to the story --
> -- or
> one can google with the terms "bengay high school death" or something
> similar.
> I've never heard of anything like this before (not that it can't
> happen), nor did I know that cinnamon was potentially toxic either!

I don't know where I read that, but I did learn quickly that it's best to
buy cinnamon supplements rather than just take it willy-nilly. Could be
I read it in one of those Dr. columns.

Interesting, in the article the mother said she didn't know that over-the-
counter medications could be dangerous. I guess a lot of people think
that way, I know I was surprised at how toxic Tylenol type pain killers
are. You just know people pop those without a second thought to
reading the dosage.
