Combination Microwave/Convection Oven
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Peter A
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,442
Combination Microwave/Convection Oven
In article . com>,
> I would like to replace my microwave with a microwave/convection
> combo. My question is---my current microwave is a countertop one. My
> kitchen cabinetry has a microwave shelf (solid wood) that the
> microwave fits into so it doesn't take up counterspace.
> Would I be able to place a microwave/convection combo in this wooden
> space or would the microwave get too hot during while using the
> covection part?
> Also--I have been looking at over the range combos--how difficult are
> they to install? Do they need out side venting??
> Thanks
All convection ovens have specs for how much free space must be left
around the unit for ventilation. It will get hot, but if you have enough
space it will be OK. I'd measure the space and go to a store and ask
about MW-convections that can fit.
BTW, having a MW-convection is very handy.
Peter Aitken
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Peter A
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