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Bluto Bluto is offline
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Posts: 75
Default "Country" pork ribs

Nonnymus wrote:

> The "country" ribs are about 1-1/2" on a side, so they're thicker than
> real ribs, but sure not like a whole butt. I think I'll treat them
> like some really big St. Louis ribs, and start the hood at 210f with
> apple wood, dropping to a meat setpoint of 175f as a compromise.
> That'll still break down the collagen, but in 6-7 hours, it shouldn't
> dry out the meat too much.
> Thoughts?

Treat 'em as grill fodder rather than smoker fodder. Even when I did smoke
them, I think 3 hours was the most I ever went. I could be wrong as I'm
gettin' a little long in the tooth.

I do like them smo-grilled opposite the coals in a Weber Kettle for a couple
hours. They'll have teeth to them but they will be tender enough to enjoy.
I eat 'em plain off the grill, but I can see where this one would be a good
dipper in a sauce.
