good points and bad points about wine clubs
On Jun 14, 12:06 am, Ed Rasimus > wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 20:33:55 -0700, djay > wrote:
> >Hi,
> Unless you've got some particular insight into wine marketing, some
> unusual connection to the industry, some large amount of venture
> capital, or some fantastic hook to set you apart from the masses, I'd
> caution against jumping into this pool--it may look wide, but it
> isn't deep and therein lie dragons.
yes I think I have something new, which is my reason for my questions.
It seems to me that there are clearly identifiable problems with the
current offerings of wine clubs. There is a lack of trust in the
offerings of independent wine clubs (it seems for good reason) and a
lack of variety in the vineyard wine clubs. If I can confirm these as
the biggest problem with wine clubs then I'll be better able to
evaluate how effective my idea is. And if indeed these are the biggest
problems then what are the 2nd biggest problems? For instance, if you
had your perfect wine club, what would it be like?
No, I have neither venture capital nor industry connections, but I
believe I'm on to something, so if anyone has either, perhaps they
should get in touch with me.