Dog3 wrote:
> The Joneses > deliciously posted in
> :
> > Dog3 wrote:
> >
> >> "WiScottsin" > deliciously posted in
> >> :
> >>
> >> > Is it just me or does it seem like chipotle is becoming the new
> >> > trendy flavor out there? Everyone seems to have some kind of a
> >> > chipotle sauce or marnade or something lately. I even saw a
> >> > commercial last night for a fast food chain ( can't remember which
> >> > one ) that had some kind of chipotle dipping sauce.
> >> >
> >> > Don't get me wrong, I love 'em!
> >>
> >> I'm not sure if it's a fad here or not but I am seeing a lot of
> >> chipotle in restaurant dishes. I have always used them and I love
> >> chipotle salsa and I make a killer chipotle and white cheddar mashed
> >> 'tater dish. I don't know if chipotle is just becomming popular here
> >> in the midwest or people are actually beginning to appreciate them.
> >>
> >> Michael
> >
> > To trend or not to trend. Personally, I think spreading around new
> > ideas about food (and perhaps learning something about a different
> > culture) can only be a good thing. It's all that eating in fast food
> > joints that's a little disturbing...snicker. I dread to think of the
> > next fad - perhaps curried everything?
> > Edrena
> Don't get me wrong. I think spreading around the news about different
> foods is great. But I really am not interested in curried corn chips <G>
> Well... maybe. It just seems like everything is taken to extreme.
> Michael
Was that <G> for gagging or giggles, works either way. How about
curried cheese dip? Ewww. About as good as liverwurst ice cream.
Edrena running for the pink stuff