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Default Milk Prices Chug Toward Record High...

Milk Prices Chug Toward Record High...

Group: Date: Fri, Jun 15, 2007, 9:34pm (EDT-3) From:
(J S) wrote:
<Seems everything is higher up north.In St.Pete I shop Walgreens($2.79 a
gallon),and the .99 cent eggs,breakfast sausage and english muffin
specials.I check their coupons every Sunday Cheers Smitty in St.Pete
I just bought all that stuff at the Walgreen's on the corner here (in
Chicago), in fact a decent chunk of my food budget is spent at Wag's
they alway's have a few good loss leaders...
I always keep a coupla packs of those Brown 'n Serve snausages on hand,
they are good to throw into ramen or soups, etc...
And I've got three cartons of the 99 cent eggs, will come in handy for
4th of July potato salad...
They beat SquallMart all to hell, that's for sure...
Greg t

<<Walgreens sure does beat Wmart.I remember when they had thier own
instant coffee was just as good as Maxwell house etc.When it
was discontinud the sold all the 8 ounce jars they had for 88
cents.People were buying cartsfull because there were no limits(me
included).Im a Ramen lover too.great for a quick hunger fix ,with some
veggies thrown in.They do things like that every once in a while,I read
the circulars before I go anywhere else.