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Default Sorry in advance.....

Steve Wertz wrote:

> On 19 Jun 2007 02:23:59 GMT, Default User wrote:

> >> I don't blame TFM, and TFM is not Kevin S Wilson's problem.
> >> Kevin is begging for violence in the name of his University.

> >
> > Come on Steve, let's be honest here for a minute. TFM has been
> > engaged in a multi-year flameware with Kevin, not just willingly,
> > but gleefully.

> And what am I, chopped liver? Hrmpf!

Well, yeah. But nobody's here claiming that you've been stalked and
abused. If they did, I'd make the same argument about you.

> > Were he in the least concerned, he could have killfiled Kevin and
> > put an email block on him 5 years ago. To paint him as the victim
> > of a cyberstalker is just not the facts. You know it.

> I didn't see Kili's post as her complaining of KSW stalking TFM.
> He's just a general PITA and a racist nigot, worse than those he
> complains about. While Kili may have taken it personally since
> it hit close to home, KSW is less of an Angel than TFM and she
> has a right to be even more ****ed off than the other 60 of us.

I don't see it. It takes two to tango, and even more so on usenet.
Kevin's behaved badly, but I can't believe TFM would really proudly
pass around a lot those posts he makes to friends and family. Maybe I'm

> I would hate to see dozens of people mowed down because KSW acts
> this way with staff and students, virtually or in person.

This is pretty damned silly.

> Call me dramatic,

No, I think silly was the right word.

> but you've seen what he's done over the years
> more than most of the people reading this thread.

Actually, no I haven't for the most part. I killfiled him, and once I
got the capability I filtered ARK. That keeps most of this crud off my

TFM and Kevin sure have one thing in common, their posts are NOT worth
the time it takes to read them. At least Kevin doesn't morph his ID.
Once you killfile him, he STAYS there.

> And to brag about where he works?

Hey, at least he's honest!

I know TFM is your buddy, and I'm sure that everything Kili says about
him being a great, supportive, loving guy is true. However, on usenet
you are what you post.


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