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Adam Funk[_2_] Adam Funk[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 227
Default Milk Prices Chug Toward Record High...

On 2007-06-19, Blinky the Shark wrote:

>>> I just pulled three containers out of the fridge. The first one says
>>> "high fructose corn syrup". The second one says, "corn syrup" *and*
>>> "high fructose corn syrup'. The second one says, "high fructose corn
>>> syrup" *and* "corn syrup".

>> Now I'm curious: how much higher-fructose is the HFCS and the plain
>> CS?

> The only clue would be order of appearance on the list, and of course
> that's only a matter of "more" and "less". On the two labels above
> (marmalade and barbeque sauce) where they both they appear, they are
> listed in the order I've shown them.

If Wikipedia is reliable on this subject, CS is mostly glucose, which
is enzymatically changed into fructose to make HFCS.

>>> I guess I just buy bizarre stuff. Like tonic water, marmalade and
>>> barbecue sauce (the examples above).

>> Outrageous!

> Pretty kinky, eh?

Oh, I thought you bought them for cooking.

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples
then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea
and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will
have two ideas. [George Bernard Shaw]