Seasonings you use instead of salt
TammyM said...
> On Mon, 18 Jun 2007 16:38:10 -0000, maxine in ri >
> wrote:
>>My Mom and sister are both on low-salt diets. When I cook for them, I
>>try to use seasonings that will give the food the "sparkle" that salt
>>does. Sis is so traditional she doesn't like some of my variations,
>>but Mom seems to enjoy them, so I persevere.
>>I've been using cumin lately. It seems to work well on it's own
>>without salt. I've used lemon juice and crystals, and sometimes curry
>>or small amounts of various hot peppers. (Mom is not a spicy food
>>What do others use in place of salt?
> Depends on the food. Lemon and garlic. Wakes the hell out of
> everything! Paprika. Cumin. Char masala (2:1:1:1 ratio of cinnamon,
> coriander, cloves and cumin - try it with meat/poultry, it's
> wonderful). Fresh herbs of all kinds. There's no reason to be
> salt-dependent.
> (having said that, I love my salt and don't have a reason to reduce my
> intake....)
> TammyM
Women always taste salty. Don't change a thing!!!
Andy's Evil Twin