Microwave cooking (as opposed to just heating up)?
Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jun 2007 23:56:13 GMT, hahabogus > wrote:
> > I cook the ramen with water only coming 1 half way up the noodles and
> >turn the brick over after about 1.5 minutes. I drain off the water and
> >add stuff like sauteed onions and mushroom, celery or bell pepper and a
> >meat ...say bacon or popcorn shrimp...I eat the not so wet noodles and
> >stuff with oyster sauce as a condiment.
> One of the things I found about living at the altitude of Albuquerque,
> is that many things require more moisture/water. The humidity there
> is incredibly low... Rice seems to require more, as does pastry.
> I am thinking the ramen would take more as well... Plus it will take
> longer to cook.
> Christine
You've learned quickly Christine. When I make bread or pastry or rice I
always need to add more water than the recipe requires. And yes my
3-minute noodles take about 5 minutes and the coffee is never really
quite hot enough. There's always the danger of then overcooking when I
visit friends who live at sea level!