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ZerkonX ZerkonX is offline
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Posts: 19
Default Sourdough Starter

On Sun, 17 Jun 2007 09:54:57 -0700, Frank103 wrote:

> Just one question: How will I know that Carl's 1847 Oregon Trail
> Sourdough Starter is really 1847 and not 1849 or maybe even 1852 Oregon
> Trail Sourdough Starter. Don't you just hate it when people do things
> like that.

Yes you must pay attention to these types of details or else you will just
be taken advantage of.

As I understand, it the more accurately term for this starter is "The July
27th, 1847, around twoish starter". NOTE:Rounding this off to just the
year was started by fake-sters in the late 4PM period and continues to
this day.

To tell if you have the a genuine "Carl's TWOish" you should experience
any one or all of the following characteristics after making a bread from
this starter:

- A strong affinity towards mules
- Begin regarding family members and/or neighbors as a food source
- Yelling, "Are we there yet?!" every so often to everyone's embarrassment.
- A state of extra-ordinary confusion at the sight of any indoor plumbing
- A strong urge to pow-wow.

Be aware that this is an incomplete list.
Good Luck.