Mac and cheese in the crock pot?
We're having neighborhood pot luck next weekend--every family brings a
dish to share. I would like to bring a mac and cheese casserole.
My thought is to use a good recipe, but instead of baking it in the
oven, using the crock pot for the baking step. It's an open house with
about 75 people coming and plenty of other choices, I figure this will
need to feed 20-30 people. I can bring it to the community room in the
crock pot a few hours ahead and let it rip. Crock pot is 6 quarts.
Anyone ever do Macaroni and Cheese casserole in the crock pot? Any
tried and true recipes?
I am looking for a cheesy, gooey high-fat, high carb mac and cheese!
Down home southern style mac and cheese. The kind of mac and cheese
that makes grown men miss their mommies and makes women ask for the
Anyone have a recipe that they have used and gotten rave reviews for?
Thanks in advance.