Thread: dinner rolls
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MOMPEAGRAM[_2_] MOMPEAGRAM[_2_] is offline
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Default dinner rolls

-= Exported from BigOven =-

Kaiser or Brown & Serve Rolls Or Bread

Recipe By:
Serving Size: 12
Main Ingredient:
Categories: Easy

-= Ingredients =-
1 Egg
1/2 teaspoon Salt
2 tablespoons Sugar
4 cups A/P flour
4 tablespoons Gluten
2 bunch Quick yeast

-= Instructions =-
Beat egg in a 2 cup measure and add water to 1 1/2 cups. Mix well and
pour into ABM pan. To the pan, add salt, sugar, flour, gluten and yeast.
Put pan in machine on dough cycle. Can be set for delay. When cycle is
completed make sure it is very well risen! I let mine rise a good 4
inches above the pan almost to the ceiling of my abm. If mine isn't
risen as high as I want, I put the pan in a very warm oven until it
reaches the proper amount of rising. Punch down well! Ok, from here
you can make a very large loaf of bread or 12-13 rolls or par-bake either.
For bread I use a pan that is 13" long, 4" wide and 2 1/2" deep. For
rolls I weigh out my dough to 75-80 g per roll and shape as desired.
Let rise until more than double in size about 90 minutes. Bake at 350 F
until done, 15-20 minutes. Alternately, you can make the dough in a
mixer with a dough hook or by hand. Recipe by Helen Peagram
Brown & Serve Dinner Rolls Proceed according to directions (below) for
desired shapes. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from draft, until
almost doubled in bulk, about 45 minutes. Bake at 275°F. 20 to 25
minutes, or until rolls just start to change color. Cool in pans or on
sheets 20 minutes. Remove from pans or sheets and finish cooling on wire
racks. Wraptightly in plastic bags and refrigerate up to 1 week. Just
before serving, place rolls on un-greased baking sheet. Bake at 400F. 10
to 12 minutes, or until golden brown. If desired, brush with melted
Margarine. Bowknots: Roll each piece to a 12 x 6-inch rectangle. Cut
into 12 (1-inch) strips. Tie strips into knots, leaving a loose loop
in center. Place on greased baking sheets about 2 inches apart.
Curlicues: Roll each piece to a 12 x 9-inch rectangle. Cut into
12(1-inch) strips. Hold one end of each strip firmly and wind dough
loosely to form coil; tuck end firmly underneath. Place on greased baking
sheets about 2 inches apart. Muffin Rolls: Divide each piece into 12
equal pieces. Shape each piece into a smooth round ball. Place in large
greased muffin cups (2½ x 1¼-inches). MM by Helen Peagram

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"Rachael Simpson" > wrote in message
> Does anyone have a good dinner roll recipe? Looking for mainly "parker
> house style" or "hawiian sweet style"
> Thanks,
> Rae