Thread: spices..
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Default spices..

On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 22:33:47 -0400, "Steph G.B" >

>winter is coming, and i finally decided the spices i had on my balcony had
>had enough.. the Purple basil died a while ago, but the other ones (Garlic
>Chives, oregano, thyme) are all fine..
>What is the best thing to do? freeze them? dry them? it's my first year
>with spices, i have no idea what to do

You don't mention where you are. Oregano and thyme are perennials in
most US climate zones. Oregano tends to die down over the winter, but
returns. Thyme doesn't grow much, but survives and leaves can be
picked and used. Not sure about garlic chives -- regular chives are
also perennials and will survive/return.

I would chop, bag, & freeze some garlic chives, leaving the plant. Cut
some oregano and dry (either the famous "cool, dry space" or lay out
on a paper towel on the dashboard of a car in the sun). You could also
dry some thyme, or hope for winter viability.