How hungry can I be?
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Nancy Young
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How hungry can I be?
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 02:58:22 GMT, Sheryl Rosen
> > wrote:
> >in article
, Nancy Young at
> >wrote on 10/15/03 5:42 PM:
> >
> >> I got some kind of ham and swiss, a tarragon chicken and a Jewish
> >> sloppy joe type of thing. All of them are much fancier than I make
> >> them sound.
> >
> >Nancy, this begs the question:
> >what is a "Jewish Sloppy Joe type of thing"?
> Russian dressing is made with mayo, which would make the sandwich very
> un-kosher.
> -sw
How so?
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