Thread: Making yogurt
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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Making yogurt

In article >,
zxcvbob > wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >, Randy >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Mike > wrote:
> >>> Why do we bring milk to "just below boiling", then allow it to cool
> >>> before adding yogurt starter?
> >>> Why not simply warm the milk to lukewarm and add the starter? - Mike
> >> To kill any bacteria that might be in the milk.
> >>
> >> Randy

> >
> > Since mom and I always used powdered milk, we skipped that step.

> I use a mixture of whole milk and powdered milk. It still turns out
> thicker if I scald it. (now I can't remember if last time I scalded
> both or just the powdered milk and cooled it with the whole milk)
> Bob

Ok. :-)

Our recipe was simple. 1 gallon of double made powdered milk (doubled
powdered milk per water recipe) and a couple of tablespoons of starter,
usually left over from the previous gallon of yogurt.

We started with Dannon brand unflavored.

Place gallon jar into a small ice chest filled with the hottest tap
water your tap provided (ours is set at 120) and let sit for 24 hours.

The yogurt was thick enough to stand up on it's own.

I may have to try scalding it next time I make it if it turns out
thicker. Why do you think it does that? Higher sugar content?

I like using powdered milk as it makes it fat free, but YMMV.
Peace, Om

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