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Giusi Giusi is offline
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Default Ronzoni Pasta's Weight

(no spam) wrote:

>> Actually, in the entire world except the US. Strange, no?

> Yes strange... the US has been metric resistant for many years. I believe
> sometime during 1960's the US was gradually supposed to join the rest of the
> world and go metric. For the most part it did not happen with a few
> exceptions. Most US products have both metric and Imperial units on them
> however.
> If anybody cares:

We were told we had 5 years to convert in 1974. Hahaha! I started, and
then did some work which had to have both measurements and three
languages. I bought the tools. And it never happened.

As to food, however, here in Italy a full serving of pasta for a man or
if one is eating only pasta and not a meat course is thought to be 100
grams. That's about 3.5 ounces.

My daughter in the US tells me the pasta per serving has less calories
in the US. Huh?

Then she tells me that a serving on her box of pasta is 2 ounces! In a
country where there is almost never a meat course after the pasta. So,
they can charge more, they sell 13.5 ounce packages which don't come out
even in either measurement, and the pasta has fewer calories. Magic...

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