TeaDave wrote:
>> Never heard of such restriction. Is it just your local place? I can't
>> imagine "no boiling water" ever being legislated for a food establishment.
>> Bob
> I don't know if it's legalized or not, but I currently work at such a
> cafe (still in college, was a part time job this last semester, still
> there for the summer months) and the espresso machine and drip coffee
> maker we have don't bring the water to a boil. Boiling the water in a
> pitcher using a steam nozzle is possible, but slightly difficult, as
> the water tends to rapidly expand out the top of the pitcher in all
> directions. So your barrista may not be open to such an idea, as it's
> remarkably easy to burn oneself.
Thanks. I was hoping that it would be comparable, i.e. no more dangerous
than frothing milk. i.e. Fill the Bodum with the _hot_ water provided
for making tea, steam that to a boil, and then put in the brewing cup
with its tea and plunger.
Well it looks like I'll have to stick to green teas at the cafe
in the local Barnes and Noble or Borders book stores.
Even in restaurants getting tea brewed with boiling water is almost
impossible around here.

, and they usually have only the dinky
one cup capacity pots and no choice in teas.