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modom (palindrome guy) modom (palindrome guy) is offline
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Posts: 469
Default Brisket .... how to?

On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 17:10:19 -0400, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:27:27 -0500, "modom (palindrome guy)"
><moc.etoyok@modom> wrote:
>>I found keeping a wood and charcoal fire steady for such a long time
>>very hard to do. A boy has to catch a nap now and again. If you have
>>a gas-asissted smoker it wouldn't be much of a chore, I suppose. But
>>with my New Braunfels pit you have to stoke the fire regularly and
>>clean out the ashes in the fire box a couple of times in the course of
>>18 hours.

>This is the method I have read about, and it seems, at least from
>reviews I have read, to be a relatively easy way to start and maintain
>a fire...without that much attention. I could be dead wrong on this,
>as I have never done any smoking...
>I hope that is about to change...when I get a smoker..

Thanks for the link. I wonder ho well it'll work with lump charcoal
instead of briquettes? Briquettes have a lot of non charcoal stuff in
them and make much more ash than lumps.

Christine, you have to get a smoker and let us all know!

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