I'd like to see either in action. I'll never use the range anymore.
PS Don't use steel bottom kettles with an aluminum rim on ceramic
tops. The differential will mar the surface. I learned the hard way.
Danny wrote:
> Space Cowboy wrote:
> -snip-
> > PS I switched to a 1500w electric pot. It makes water holy real
> > fast.
> Pah, that's nothing. Considering you Merkins have everything bigger
> and better than us Brits, at least we have proper manly kettles (and
> proper electric) which have 3kw at 230v to heat the water *real*
> quick. Even my espresso machine has 4500w/230v to help it's 16 litre
> boiler do it's stuff 
> --
> Regards, Danny
> http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
> (apparently bad grammar but I like it that way...)