Barutan Seijin > writes:
> Am 26 Jun 2007, Rostyslaw J. Lewyckyj schrieb:
> > Thanks. I was hoping that it would be comparable, i.e. no more
> > dangerous than frothing milk. i.e. Fill the Bodum with the _hot_ water
> > provided for making tea, steam that to a boil, and then put in the
> > brewing cup with its tea and plunger. Well it looks like I'll have to
> > stick to green teas at the cafe in the local Barnes and Noble or
> > Borders book stores. 
> Considering the quality of the tea you would get, this is no great
> loss. Of course, the green tea is never very good, either.
Not to mention the fact that the taste of a paper cup is stronger than
that of almost any green tea...
Lew Perin /