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Default Two Dollars a Day


I have decided to live the month of July spending just two dollars a
day on food. Other than vague notions of pasta, rice, beans, and
raman, I have little idea what I'm gonna eat.

That being said, there are a few things I have in mind:

*Eggs - fried, scrambled, and boiled.
*Potatoes - fried, baked
*Pasta - 1 can diced tomatoes, 1 can tomato sauce, garlic, onions,
herbs, 1lb pasta
*Tuna salad
*Home baked bread - loaves, rolls, cornbread, pita, soda crackers

That's pretty much the list I've come up with. I really need some help
coming up with more menu items.

Checking prices at the supermarket, I've come up with a list of some
food stuffs I can afford:

*Veggies - potatoes, carrots, onions (not much else looks affordable
on my self imposed budget)
*Fruit - bananas, melons (also, lemons and oranges from trees in the
yard, though I don't think many, if any, oranges will be available)
*Grains, beans, pasta - rice, beans (red, garbanzo, pinto), peas,
lentils, barley, pasta
*Meat - Not much looks particularly affordable. I may be able to
squeeze some chicken in, maybe even some ground beef, and I plan on
splurging on a pound of bacon.
*Dairy - no milk, cheese, or butter. But margarine is surprisingly
cheap. Eggs, or course.

I have an ample supply of herbs, spices, oils, vinegar, soy sauce, and
some rather esoteric condiments (fish sauce, black bean and garlic
sauce, hoisin sauce, oyster sauce).

Anyways, your help is greatly appreciated.

What other food items to you think I can add to the list?

What interesting menu items would you recommend?


misanthropia dot com