Two Dollars a Day
kilikini said...
> Andy wrote:
>> said...
>>> That's pretty much the list I've come up with. I really need some
>>> help coming up with more menu items.
>> The 4th of July at your house sounds like a real downer, if you
>> celebrate it.
>> Bulk purchase everything and clip lots of coupons. Not that I could
>> do it successfully myself!
>> Good luck,
>> Andy
> You *can* do it successfully, but unfortunately, you eat a lot of canned
> goods and pasta. Not something you can do right now.
> kili
I'm already about sick and tired of my vegelaya! Even as easy as it is to
make, overdoing a good thing gets old quick. Same thing happened with
gumbo. I'm a little reluctant when it comes to freezing stuff, in favor of
breakfast, lunch and dinner of leftovers.