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limey limey is offline
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Posts: 923
Default (2007-06-28) Survey on the RFC site: Kitchen 'music'

jmcquown wrote:
> limey wrote:
>> Chatty Cathy wrote:
>>> Vote now! (or not)
>>> Thanks go to Sky for sending in this survey.

>> Well, I said MCINL, and that's a fact. DH plays the TV all day in
>> the next room whether he's in there or not and I can't escape the
>> yackity-yack! (Try CNN all day, every day, some time.)
>> Dora

> LOL Sounds like my dad but he doesn't believe in CNN (those pinko
> commies - his words, not mine!) Nope, it's anything on the History
> channel that involves war. And since his hearing aids give him a bit
> of trouble it's always turned to the max, then he ignores it and
> reads a book. Poor mom has to go to the kitchen just to escape. Oh,
> but wait! He put a small TV in the kitchen, too! Eeeek!

Yes, DH put one in the kitchen, too. We sit at the table having
morning coffee with that TV putting forth, then he goes into the next
room and turns that TV on - but on a different channel. :-p CNN vs.
the Today show. Wow.
I can't wait to hit the power button.

> I like quiet while cooking, except for the sound of cooking itself.
> Water coming to a boil just before you drop the pasta in. The sizzle
> of butter and/or oil to saute onion, garlic, celery, etc.

You've got it. Birds singing outside, too.

Most (not
> all) of my music fav's are too old time rock to be conducive to
> cooking. They are well suited to a cook-out with burgers and veggies
> on the grill and plenty of ice cold beer, though! <G>
> Jill