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Default native American meal as educational experience

Hi all,

Our family is interested in trying a meal or two from the Native
American diet, as an educational experience.

There are a couple of problems with the practical side of things:
1. First, we can use *familiar* native American foods, like corn,
beans, pumpkin, tomato, blueberries, honey, salmon, strawberries,
etc. But I'm told that the native American people didn't fix them the
same way that I know to fix them. (What? They didn't turn tomatoes
into Campbell's Soup and then cook them on an electric stove?!!) So
if we use these foods, we need a more authentic way of preparing
2. On the other hand, if we want to use native American foods that
are *unfamiliar* to us, we don't know where to get them! Where does
an urban Wisconsonite go to gather scuppernongs, quiona, sapodilla,
pawpaw, sisania, and sassafras? Where can I hunt an elk, or milk an
alpaca? Where will I find the eggs of anything other than chickens?

Thank you very much!

Ted Shoemaker