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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Oscar Mayer Wienermobile BUSTED !!!

Dave Smith wrote:
> Steve Wertz wrote:
>> On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:07:28 -0700, BOBOBOnoBO® wrote:
>>>> What kind of a cop would even think to run the plates on the
>>>> Wienermobile?

>> I'm sure he just did it out of curiosity and for kicks (at
>> first). Nowdays most beat/traffic cops, with their computers on
>> the dashbord, run about 75% of the plates they're behind unless
>> their on the way to donuts or talking on their cell phones. It
>> takes all of 5 seconds.

> You would be surprised how many cars and trucks are running around out
> there with expired or switched plates, but I did a lot of them out of
> curiosity. People would be amazed at the information that pops up on
> those computers.

Damn, Dave! Where were you last week when people were running stop signs
and making fast (but illegal) turns in front of me at stop lights when I had
the right of way?!

One woman I saw had her neck craned around, looking at her back seat. She
wasn't on a cell phone AFAIK but maybe she was; those ear bud things (should
be illegal) make it difficult to tell. I do know she was talking to a child
(or two) in the back seat. She paused briefly at the stop sign but then
just came on through without even looking. Good thing I was noting her
behavior otherwise she'd have plowed right into my car.
