Another very simple recipe that has to be tried to believe how good
it is.
Five Servings
5 pieces of chicken, skinless, bone in or out, your choice, but
definitely skinless.
1 can whole berry, cranberry sauce. You could use the jellied but it
lacks texture, your choice.
1 cup Russian salad dressing.
1 package dried onion soup mix.
Thats it folks!
place chicken flat in roasting pan.
in a bowl mix cranberry sauce, salad dressing and soup mix.
pour over chicken.
it is now oven ready but marinating for a couple of hours intensifies
the flavor.
bake in oven (covered) at 325 degrees until chicken is done.
I won't give a cooking time because ovens vary.
This goes great with a dark, hoppy, beer.
This is beer oriented site! Teatotalers Beware!