pressure cooker question
Pat Evans wrote:
> Presto starts about $50, Would Presto
> be satisfactory or should I invest in a
> more expensive pc. Thanks Pat
A few years ago, I was checking out the
pressure cookers at a large hardware store,
and they carried a brand which had no gasket.
It was stainless steel, and had a bevelled
edge between the top and the pot. I guess
it held the pressure in just by close fit.
It was expensive, and I didn't need a new
pressure cooker. But at the time I thought
if I were to buy a new pressure cooker and
money was no object, that would be the one
to get.
I haven't seen that type again. I can't
remember the brand. Does anyone know anything
more about that type? I'm wondering how
well it holds the pressure in, and how well
it works otherwise.