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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Two Dollars a Day

On Sun, 01 Jul 2007 00:22:59 GMT, Blair P. Houghton > wrote:

>Christine Dabney > wrote:

>>I only had wine....
>>I almost asked the bartender at the hotel if they could make a
>>sidecar, but then decided wine was a safer choice....

>Bartenders, even childlike hipsters, are not very savvy
>about the cocktail these days. But they are all completely
>willing to learn a new one, especially if it's old and
>famous. I've trained many to make a Manhattan, perfect,
>rocks, three squirts of bitters, two cherries.

I learned how to make a sidecar. But I am still working on the perfect
one. I learned from eGullet, that Cointreau will take it to a whole
'nother I gots to try this out..... I have been using
Triple Sec, cheap person that I am....
>>Christine, who thinks she will make either a Delilah, or a Sidecar
>>when she gets home to ABQ tomorrow evening

Nope, it's a sidecar for me!!!!
