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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default Dinner last night 1Jul07

PeterLucas wrote:
> We'd been out most of the day and had just come back from taking the
> pooch for a run/play and sharing a bottle of red whilst watching the
> sunset...... and then visiting a friend on the way back home for a
> couple more glasses of red.... so dinner was going to be a slap-dash
> affair.
> Looked in the fridge, pulled a few ingredients out, some (Musgovian?)
> Barossa Camembert cheese, pepperoni salami, mushrooms, onions, olives,
> capsicum........ was just going to do a snack platter but the SO
> wanted something *hot*....... so I pulled the jalapenos out as well,
> made some pizza dough and we had pizza and calzones.
> 20calzones/
> (Haven't figgered out how to have the pics going from 1-20, so
> they're arse about at the moment.)
> She got her *hot* pizza both ways........ straight out of the oven
> and with a tad too many jalepenos on it :-)

You have inspired me to make pizza. Perhaps I'll try it tonight. Thanks,
Peter! (I'll be borrowing your pizza dough recipe.) :~)
