sharpening Global knives...
> I have never used Global knives but I would bet dollars to donuts that
> are all ground on both sides. Every "one-sided" knife I have ever seen,
> mostly Japanese ones, may be beveled on just one side but the edge is most
> certainly ground on both sides. I do not see how you could get it sharp
> otherwise. In other words, one side of the knive may be perfectly flat -
> left side for right-handed knives - but the final half millimeter or so is
> honed just like any other knife.
Well, actually I should be receiving the two right-handed knives today, so I
will take a look and let you know. (I see your point, though.)
> I do not see why you would need any special
> tools to sharpen them - just a good whetstone and a steady hand.
How does a whetstone differ (in sharpening method and capability, not shape)
from a ceramic "steel"?